Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Pirate Bride (or how I pray part 2)

I think my favorite movies of late have been the Pirates of the Caribbean series...loved the first one, enjoyed the second, loved the third...

The word pirate comes from the greek word "pirata" meaning "one who attacks" there is a reason I have titled this post "the Pirate Bride" of my favorite stories is about Ní Mháille, a legendary Irish Pirate who is rumored to have captured Doona Castle in Ballycrow for herself after her lover was killed by the former owners, she captured all their boats and then stormed the castle taking it for herself once her revenge was meted out for her slain lover.

Anyway my fascination with the story is that this Irish Lady becomes a pirate after her lover is slain, man what a tragic yet romantic idea, she goes on a rampage and not only avenges his death, but then proceeds to occupy the very stronghold where he was killed.

When we go to pray, it should be obvious to anyone that we have serious needs and issues that must be resolved, yet one thing I find is that God never seems to be in a rush about that stuff, really at times it seems like He's just ignoring my crisis and talking about the weather with me.

I have had some heavy stuff dumped on my doorstep recently...big and intimidating stuff...and my immediate reaction was to question what I had done to get here, why was I unaware and not paying attention and then I kind of slide into a "regret" stage where I pondered what a jerk I had been and why had I not been more loving etc...when the opportunity existed in the past...

So as I got up to pray, the Lord spoke to me "You can look for sympathy (and look is all you will do) or you can find Majesty in I simply replied "majesty"...

I may be crazy about God, but I'm not crazy...I know that if God gives you alternatives always take the better one...majesty trumps sympathy any day...

So I said "majesty"...out loud...where I could hear it myself...within a few minutes...I had a mental picture, a vision if you will, in my head of my hand holding a sword...

Ok, thats pretty obvious I thought, I am in a battle for life in this situation...a sword in my hand...that seems appropriate...and as I focused on the mental image in my mind,( that was really sustained without any effort on my part), I noticed my hand had all kinds of rings on it...which is really wierd since I don't think I even own one ring...

So get the picture...I am under a very heavy responsibility for life in several situations, I feel completely inadequate for the task and in my prayer time God has suggested I find "Majesty" and the next thing I imagine, without any effort, is my hand with lots of rings holding a sword for battle...and I don't own one ring...actually have no desire for rings, truth be told I don't own or wear ANY jewelry, just never went down that road in personal design...

So if you extract me from the equation and look at what is happening in prayer...not much in way of spoken language, not a lot of words going back and forth, more of a "showing" than anything else...its as if someone is showing me something by way of mental pictures as I APPROACH God...

Mind you I have not even really prayed about the crisis yet, I've just gotten over some very mopey attitude (thanks to some inspiration from God) and all I've prayed so far is the word "Majesty"...

Now here's where the mental side of the equation goes off the rails...logic at this point would dictate that I ask what the rings were about...problem is...I already knew...

And this is one of the features that distinguishes a vision/mental interaction with God, from a general imagination or a "God imagining" you instantly know things that would take a paragraph or two to explain, or would require some kind of extended explanation for your comprehension, yet they are immediatly dropped into your spirit and you instantly "know" what you know...the information becomes something that would normally require history but in this moment it becomes complete without the normal path of time.

And in this vision I knew the rings were wedding rings, even though they looked nothing like wedding rings from my cultural perspective. One of the rings had a big black piece of Obsidian, another had a blood red stone, yet another had a white stone with an engraving on it, none of them were gold, or diamonds or really all that beautiful they were...I dunno...Pirates rings.

They reminded me of the rings Johnny Depp wore in the Pirate Movies...

And this is what the Lord said to me..."You should ask me for wedding rings..."

...Meaning I was seeing something that God wanted me to have and yet He was requiring that I still ask Him for it...and it made absolutely no sense whatsoever, especially in context of the difficulties that were weighing on my heart...

This is where it began to make sense...when I looked at the ring with Obsidian in it, I was reminded of a specific enemy in the demonic realm I had encountered in the past...and I realized that the ring was the equivalent of taking that demonic head off and storming its castle and keeping its territory for my Lover, Jesus...obsidian is an old arch enemy of mine (for lack of a better name)...and by asking for wedding rings I was asking for specific victories and triumphs over the demonic in the areas that I was currently being intimidated in...'s where I am at in the story...I am facing some serious life threatening issues in my family and God has told me to ask Him for wedding rings...and as I posture myself to frame the question He drops this gem into my spirit, "Your greatest weapon in this fight is your intimacy with me..."

Let me get this straight...I am in a life crisis, been kinda whiny about it, God tells me to find Majesty, then tells me I need to ask for wedding rings, next thing I know I am understanding that my greatest weapon is not "harder prayer, more faith, greater faith, stronger words, or any of the things we tend to think it will greatest weapon is my intimacy with Jesus...something I COMPLETELY LOVE TO DO....worship and adoration and kisses to heaven, (even unrestrained dancing when nobody is looking)...

Now I have a way to pray, and have learned a thing or two about Gods tenderness and His perspective on the battle, and I am no longer intimidated I am excited to pray and ready for victory...

I kinda like this idea...the idea of a Pirate Bride, "one who attacks" especially now that I know loving Jesus and drawing as close to Him as possible is in fact the best way to storm the castle and take territory for Him...

I should ask Him for wedding rings...

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