Tuesday, October 18, 2005



“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago-whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows-such a man was caught up to the third heaven.

And I know such a man-whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows-
Was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak. (2 Cor. 12:2-4 NAS)

I got to thinking about Linda’s word Sunday, pertaining to the Lord being pleased with us and showing that thru the prophetic drumming of Brent…

It was kind of obvious that there was something unique and prophetic happening amongst all the musicians, I think we all felt it and all responded to it, but especially Brent as he played the drums.

This is starting to happen more and more.

Which brings up the question (as did Linda this Tuesday during worship practice) “What does it mean when they prophesy on the instruments?”

Again we are working without a net here, I simply do not know.

I know it when it happens.

I’ve been in services where I heard it…

I know when it happens TO me, and the prophetic seems to play THRU me…

But as Linda asked, “What does the prophecy mean?”

What does it mean when the Lord moves upon a musician and they begin to improvise or launch out musically where they did not intentionally plan to go?

One of the songs on our “to learn” list is Chris Tomlins "Indescribable"…and the song details the inability we have to communicate all that God is…

Do you suppose that in some way God has the same problem we do?

Oh yeah I know He’s omnipotent and all, I’m not suggesting the circular logic of the Simpson’s where Homer ask "Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot He couldn’t eat it?”

I’m not playing word games with Gods ability, but the reality exist that God has limited the way He communicates with us (my theory is that its for our own good He has placed limits on Himself) to some rather simple protocols and process’s that we still manage to mangle and misuse.

Has it occurred to anyone else that God may simply be trying to use each and every aspect of our environment to show His fondness and profound love, so much so that He will invade our culture and even our own worship to DEMONSTRATE His reach?

At this point I really don’t know if we need to know what the prophesy might say thru the instrumentalist as long as we start hearing the message that God is invading “our” worship time and sitting in on drums…or keys…or guitar…

Think about it a minute…. the guy that invented sound itself…sat in on drums Sunday.

That is enough for me, He don’t gotta say anything else….just showing up at our little gathering and picking up a set of drumsticks while we were searching for Him in our singing should set out hearts quivering…

It’s kind of inexpressible.


  1. OK I went ahead and turned on "word verification" so we don't get a bunch of spam in our comments...

    No big deal really you can still post anon if you want just don't be a spambot or we'll getcha.

    Even the adminstrators have to word verify now.

  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I am really awestruck by where the LORD is taking us, and what He is doing through us. What does the prophecy mean? I don't know, but at least some part of it has to be His love for us. Which leads
    me to a comment from last night, if we are truly seeking a higher and deeper worship service, He will take us there. I think that we are on the right track...talking and sharing are thoughts about what God is doing serves to increase our desire and our hunger to "go where no man has gone before," at least it is working that way with me. So we feed the hunger, and our appetites grow until we are completely consumed with God. That really doesn't sound as intense as I feel it within myself, but I think it states my point.

  3. IT is pretty awesome what is happening during our worship.

    I have the typical leaders fear that we won't be able to sustain it, or I'll wreck it somehow, which frankly is kinda ridiculous when I think about it since I didn't start it in the first place.

    Maybe this is part of the challenge that Paul laid out to the Galatians about beginning in the Spirit only to derail themselves by trying to finish it in the flesh...I'll try to keep my unbelief down to a minimium.

    Anyways I got to thinking about this word here "Inexpressable"...and notice that Paul said he heard things that were basically "Illegal" for a man to speak...

    Thats trippy...

    If you don't wonder what kind of things he heard that are illegal for a man to speak you need your curiosity recharged.

  4. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Mark, I am drawn to the thought that the Hebrew language is both written and musical. Prophesying on an instrument could have something to do with, the way the Psalms were written. I was at the harp and bowl conference baak in 2000 in Kansas City and sat through a lecture by Dan Cutrona a keyboard player from the Tronto Vineyard. He was a sesion player who played with Eric Cllapton, in the 70's. (I am going somewhere with this so hold on til the end) and in the 90's he was when a group of beleivers who decide to use their talents to glorify the Lord at all times. Long story getting longer, they we're palying in a blues pub in England and they were playing you look good tonight by EC, and it was coming up to the lead guitarists solo and the Lord spke to him and said" I want you to bend to this not and hold it throught the whole solo." the guartist did just as the Lord had asked and they played throught the rest fot he set. afterwards the guartists son came up and was going wild about his solo, he had no idea why. the son was seated inthe second row, and right in front of him was a man in a wheel chair. during the solo when the guitarist bent the note to where the Lord told him to hold it the man jumped out of the wheelchair healed. Music has a lot more dimension that we realize or even give it credit. God spoke and things were, or Wave lengths went out of God's mouth and things appeared. that is enough for now, love you guys at Canyon Chapel, may the Lord move among you mightly to change your church you homes and your city.

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Sorry looks like my speller was broke

  6. Anonymous9:02 PM

    When God "sits in" it is truly an awe experience. When He works on you to "make up" those songs in the moment, in the Holy Spirit, I have worshipped. Something was recalled to me as I read this. A similar thing happens on occassion during the course of giving a massage. As a professional massage therapist, I tend to simply answer questions, or ask for feed back about the technical aspects of comfort, sore spots, when to rollover, etc. What has happened more often now than ever is that when I notice myself praying for the person I am working on, God may decide to sit in. It's unplanned, spontaneous and un-orhcestrated. He sits in and directs it...as though His arms move in mine, His intent moves through me. Sometimes I get to see what He's doing in the joint or nerve, sometimes in the emotions of a person. All I do is what I've done 1000 times or more. More often than not, the person will comment after the massage is over, "Wow, that was the BEST massage I've ever had" or "you are really good" All I can say is that I have a very good teacher. It's hard to even speak about it. It was a holy moment.

    Of couse there are those "normal" times when I do my best at my job. There are therapists that have more technique and skill than I. Sometimes it is apparent that I need to refer the person to another therapist that can offer what I cannot. That's just the business, like making sure the offering envelopes are out, the bathrooms clean, guitars tuned, mikes turned on and levels checked. The stepping into it and we are with God immediately, my heart quivers intensly. You carry the lead and He carries us all. Deeper and higher.
