Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Like water

The phrase "Like water poured out" has been going through my mind lately, it reminds me of when King David wanted a drink from the well of Bethlehem and three of his mighty men broke through the Philistine army's line and brought him a pitcher of water from the well.

David refused to drink it because basically he knew that only God was worthy of a life sacrifice, instead he poured it out on the ground as an offering to God.

Sometimes it feels like the things/people we sacrifice towards have no reciprocal value, no one notices or somehow you begin to feel like people take a sacrifice for granted or worse yet, simply use you for their own advantage be it intentional or not.

I've decided that I want to GIVE people an advantage from my life, but that's different than letting them TAKE an advantage of you.

So to help keep my heart aligned I spend time in His Presence, the ultimate wasted sacrifice...see there are a lot of people who go to hell and waste what Jesus freely offered them...

Like water poured out
On a dry and thirsty ground here is my heart.

Like the mother of a newborn waiting
For the faintest sound, well there You are.

You pick me up,
You dust me off,
You set me on my feet again.

You make my heart to beat,
You set me free,
And then you call me friend.

Dark the days when I forget how kind You are
Dark my heart when I let fear take me that far,
Bright my path when You show up and sing my name,
And call me friend...(this joy will never end)

A thousand suns shining
At the brightest time of day would seem to dark.

When I compare it
To the brilliance of Your love and who You are.

If all the sea's were ink
And the sky one giant scroll.
It'd be a place to small to write all the love You've shown.

Dark the days when I forget how kind You are
Dark my heart when I let fear take me that far
Bright my path when You show up and sing my name
And call me friend...(this joy will never end)

Like water poured out
On a dry and thirsty ground here is my praise.

I long to move You, long to touch You, leave my kiss upon Your face.

You rule the heavens,
Rule the oceans,
Rule the beating of my heart.

I long to know You, long to see You and to be right where You are.

Dark the days when I forget how kind You are

Dark my heart when I let fear take me that far
Bright my path when You show up and sing my name
And call me friend...(this joy will never end)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Male and Female Created He Them

I've been tracking some fairly interesting relationship/communication teachings and while on the surface this may not seem overtly spiritual I think its amazing how God has designed the different aspects of male and female to coexist and function together.

I think we are headed to a very prophetic season where knowing these differences can help us navigate a better result in our church culture, we must make women more powerful in our models because without them we will never experience the fullness of being the Bride of Christ which is the ultimate expression of the church in the earth.

If you know me you know I have 4 incredibly beautiful and powerful daughters, here are the amazing lessons I have learned from my girls:

  • Sometimes emotions are simply that, strong feelings that do not need to be analyzed, a big part of life is "feeling" without it our experience is a Dad, I've had to set aside my desire to understand with my head and learned to do it with my heart.
  • Adventure is essential to growing in yourself, sometimes its simply a challenge, but its about discovering who you really are...without a bit of risk life is boring, every one of my girls has sought out some form of adventure and it has made them powerful.
  • Men should never be passive, sometimes making the decision for my girls has been more about creating a comfortable zone for them to live in than it is anything else, some decisions allow a woman to be herself in a safe place without controlling her, this does not make sense to anyone but women.
  • A surprise is a subtle way to keep life from getting dull and mundane, surprises should be included in every relationship that should look spontaneous, but feel thought out.
  • The small details give the big details meaning, remembering to order "non-fat" instead of "low-fat" Frappe-chino's may seem insignificant but its not. Its the small details that reveal how much you really know about others, or at minimum how much you really want to know about them. The small details are another way of saying "I love you and thought about you enough to write a poem..."
  • My girls were always their own worse critics, they found it very easy to pick apart their own shortcomings, at that moment, a specific and non-general compliment can provide the essential restoration of esteem and validation that self-inflicted head noise has destroyed.
  • The purpose of listening is to hear, not to talk, hearing is not simply about the words, most of the time content is secondary to emotion and non-verbal communication, hearing means I connect with what you are feeling, not simply what words you used.
  • A healthy man initiates, and healthy women respond by setting up obstacles and hoops for men to jump through, not sure why this is but it is. As strange as this behavior may appear it is actually the essence of a dynamic and normal Adam/Eve connection.
  • Love at first sight and getting swept away are not simply childhood dreams, they are a longing in the heart of healthy "Eve's" and while it sounds like a misnomer, they are events that should be possible at any moment once "Adam" truly wakes up to what God has created...every woman I know still believes in these things to some degree.
  • We are only fully human as men and women when we value and love others.
  • All relationships experience ebb and flow, high tide/low tide, hiddenness/manifestation, failure to understand this makes us crazy.
  • Love makes you want to change yourself, not the other person.
  • Every woman wants to be both powerful and vulnerable, this dynamic in my estimation makes women the most incredible aspect of Gods creation, because in truth every woman is both of so much. As a Dad I've learned that I do not lose power by giving it to my girls, I increase it.
  • Submission does not mean that one of the parties involved disappears or goes silent, it means that everyone comes to the table with everything they are and a voice to declare it. True biblical submission is always given freely and never demanded... anytime submission is demanded it cannot show up, compliance will show up instead. The heart (where submission comes from) cannot be forced or controlled, you cannot make another person love.
  • True beauty is a condition of the heart.

I think its amazing the differences between the male and the female, it makes me realize how majestic God really is and how romantic Jesus longs to cannot be possible that the Creator of Love would be less romantic than His creation...think about it and rejoice that you get to be His girlfriend!